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Mary Jayne Gold

Mary Jayne Gold

"Cr ossroads Marseille 1940" by Mary Jayne Gold"Marseille année 40" de Mary Jayne Gold

Mary Jayne Gold

Mary Jayne Gold in the '30s

Mary Jayne Gold's memoir of 1940-41 (available only in France)

Mary Jayne Gold in 1996, during
production of And Crown Thy Good

Mary Jayne Gold, 88; Helped Refugees Flee Nazis, New York Times obituary by Alan Riding

Socialite who helped Chagall, others escape Nazis dies at 88, AP dispatch, as carried in the Houston Chronicle (and throughout the world), on the death of Mary Jayne Gold—including the egregious inaccuracy that Varian Fry helped her organize the rescue effort...

The Other Schindlers by Richard Z. Chesnoff, U. S. News and World Report, March 21, 1994. Special Report on six rescuers during the Holocaust, including Mary Jayne Gold.

Synopsis by Mary Jayne Gold of her memoir, Crossroads Marseille 1940

Excerpts from Crossroads Marseilles 1940, memoir by Mary Jayne Gold

Excerpts from Oh You Must Not Peek Under My Sunbonnet, unpublished memoir by Mary Jayne Gold

Marseille Année 40--the French version of the memoir, being published to unanimous acclaim

Crosroads Marseille--the movie

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