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Resistance of the Heart:
and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany
Nathan Stoltzfus, Rutgers
University Press (paperback edition)
from Amazon.com
"The Rosenstrasse protest . . . shows that a great number, probably a great majority . . . of the Aryan partners in mixed marriages did not forsake their Jewish spouses, despite often overwhelming pressures to do so. . . . What happened in this small and ordinary Berlin street was an extraordinary manifestation of courage at a time when such courage was often sadly absent."--from the foreword by Walter Laqueur
"Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners created a furor with his sweeping and sensational claim that 'ordinary Germans' in Hitler's Reich were anti-Semites who had been longing for decades for the chance to kill the Jews. This timely new book by another young American historian presents another side to the picture. Stoltzfus is a careful and subtle historian and the result of his labors is no less sensational and thought-provoking."--Richard J. Evans, The Sunday Telegraph
Stoltzfus (...) shows, very convincingly, how extraordinarily sensitive the Nazi leadership, especially Joseph Goebbels and Hitler, was when it came to popular opinion. This is new and noteworthy. (...) These utterly brutal men could be swayed by the power of public protest--public protest, however, which was not forthcoming as far as the deportation of Jews was concerned. (...) In its exceptional quality this is a most telling story about the Third Reich."--Michael Geyer, Journal of Church and State
The Day Hitler Blinked by Barbara Ash, Research in Review, Fall-Winter 1997
Review (excerpt) by Richard S. Levy
The Politics of Nonviolent Action (excerpt) by Gene Sharp
Snatched from the Jaws by Richard Bessel, review in [London] Times Literary Supplement, May 16, 1997, with a response by Nathan Stoltzfus
Review (in German) by Rainer Decker
Review (in German) by Sabine Frohlich, Frankfurter Allgemeine, January 1999 [large, slow graphics file]
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