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DVD Weapons of the Spirit

"Weapons of the Spirit"Weapons of the Spirit

UPCOMING in 2019: remastered 30th-anniversary edition

All sales suspended until the upcoming re-release.

Please email to sales@chambon.org to be notified when the film becomes available.

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Chambon Foundation
8033 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA  90046
www.chambon.org  sales@chambon.org

Weapons of the Spirit ——Item




DVD Full-length (93 min.) documentary and additional materials
—home use only

TBA was 24.99



DVD Short Version (40-min. abridgment) and additional materials
—with educational public performance rights

TBA was 34.99



Dual-DVD Full-length (home use) and Short Version
home use only for full-length, educational rights for short version

TBA was 54.99



DVD Full-lengthfor educational/library use:

DVD Full-length
—educational/library use

TBA was 74.99



Dual-DVD Full-length (educational/lib. use) & Short Version
—with educational public performance rights for both versions

TBA was 99.99




VHS Full-length
—home use only

TBA was 39.99



VHS Short Version
—with educational public performance rights

TBA was 49.99




U. S. First Class shipping and handling
OR Optional U.S. Priority Mail shipping or shipping non-USA

TBA was 5.00
or TBA was 8.00


Additional tax-deductible donation to the Chambon Foundation?  Thank you!




Please email  to sales@chambon.org for PAL videocassette information

All versions include:

Name and/or Organization








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